Creatives of habit

There was a time, not too long ago, when I was obsessed with straight lines.

Yes, that is the most unusual start to a blog so far.

Out of everything I designed or art directed, an alarming proportion would feature thin, horizontal lines. They were framing copy… bordering images… often just making the design stand out…

But they were there.

I didn’t know I was doing it, mind. In fact this habit was pointed out to me by a colleague. A frantic scroll through my laptop confirmed it. Bollocks.

But this trend didn’t have a negative effect on anything. No one noticed, the designs still looked good and unique, and consumers didn’t realise.

It was just my own preference and styling at that time, coming out in what I was making.

Ever since then, I notice it more and more. In graphic design, art direction, copywriting, and even whole agencies. I began to notice it everywhere.

My colleague, who handled most of the copywriting on big projects, had the same habits. During certain periods, different writing features or styles would pop up in their work more often than usual.

The people I follow on social media succumb to it too. It seems crazy, but I find myself seeing work they post and thinking… Ah, that’s classic X at the moment. They’re loving using Y in their copy…

Even if I don’t know them. Wow.

Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t always as blatant – or outright strange – as my line thing (though it’s more common than you think).

Usually it’s just a style or feel that the work possesses. It can be influenced by millions of external things, but it’s always routed in the creative’s preferences and inspirations at the time.

But that’s what stops good creatives becoming repetitive. Styles change, influences change, and the personality we bestow onto our work adapts.

And that’s what’s awesome about this job. Or any creative job for that matter.

You can inject your personality, feelings, or habits into your work.

And long may it continue.

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