Are you still there?

At the moment, I try and write two blog posts a week.

One on Monday/Tuesday, and one on Thursday/Friday. Roughly.

This week, I was stumped. The usual lightbulb moment didn’t arrive at any point in the last few days.

Okay don’t panic, back up plan. Sit in front of the notepad, see what comes to mind…

Still nothing.

They are my only two plans, so I resorted to doing other things.

Maybe it’s the (understandable) lack of advertising news. Maybe it’s that new ads being released are reaching a new level of samey to a point where I can’t even muster the energy to get angry about it. Maybe it’s just old fashioned creative block.

Could be all three.

Now I’m not under any illusions – I don’t exactly have a vast audience I need to maintain. I don’t think there are many people frantically scanning their inbox on Tuesday evenings, in despair about the lack of new posts.

And yet, I felt strangely pressured to release something.

I couldn’t think of anything decent to write about, and yet I felt anxious about the concept of not writing anything at all.

But why? Surely a turd of a blog, released for the sake of it, is more damaging to my small readership than no blog at all?

Maybe it isn’t a bad thing to just say nothing.

This is something I see brands experiencing all the time.

In a world of ‘content’ it seems brands are constantly terrified that if they aren’t shouting something all the time, they will be forgotten.

Sure, consistent advertising and messaging is crucial to developing and maintaining a brand. No one is disputing that.

But posting random and pointless pieces of ‘content’, forcibly segwaying your brand into popular culture, and creating endless hashtags or challenges, is NOT the same thing.

Not only that, but it will probably do more harm than good.

Oh, and it really pisses me off.

But anyway – this blog about not writing pointless blogs when I can’t think of any blogs to write is finished now.

Have I completed irony?

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