
Hello, it’s me.

If you’re unsure about who ‘me’ is, my name is Alex Myers.

Here are some other facts about me – in case you’re in a rush, have a short attention span, or just don’t want to read many words.

  • I work in Marketing
  • I live in Sheffield
  • I didn’t grow up there
  • I grew up in the fields outside London

That’s all the awkward stuff out of the way.

The most important thing to know about me is that I’m hugely passionate about Advertising & Marketing. In fact, make that advertising, marketing, copywriting, design… in fact (third draft) make that creativity.

I know what you’re thinking – “That’s obvious. It’s literally what your blog is about.”

I agree, but everyone else has an about the author section and I didn’t know what else to write.

Anyway – the only person that has got this far – if you like what you read let me know. If you don’t like it also let me know. And before you go – what did you think of this introduction?

What People Say

The only blog I’d read without my glasses.


Not even my internet history saved it.


Can’t think of anything to say.


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