Are you still there?

At the moment, I try and write two blog posts a week. One on Monday/Tuesday, and one on Thursday/Friday. Roughly. This week, I was stumped. The usual lightbulb moment didn’t arrive at any point in the last few days. Okay don’t panic, back up plan. Sit in front of the notepad, see what comes toContinue reading “Are you still there?”

When is it time?

Have you ever genuinely clicked on an ad based on your search history? In my experience of the interweb, if I’ve already browsed for a product and gone elsewhere I either don’t want it, or I have a reason to delay the purchase. It’s that simple. Showing me a small banner ad, reminding me thatContinue reading “When is it time?”

Who needs a reason

In life, everything becomes very serious very quickly, doesn’t it? You find something fun, or interesting, and you’re pretty good at it. You start thinking it may be something you’d like to do all the time. Holy crap, it’s an actual job. You find a job, and that grows into a career, and suddenly youContinue reading “Who needs a reason”

Creatives of habit

There was a time, not too long ago, when I was obsessed with straight lines. Yes, that is the most unusual start to a blog so far. Out of everything I designed or art directed, an alarming proportion would feature thin, horizontal lines. They were framing copy… bordering images… often just making the design standContinue reading “Creatives of habit”

Vows of a consumer

I write this blog, for the most part, about my own experiences and opinions. However, these are usually framed in the context of my role within Advertising & Marketing. Some of it professional, some of it recreational, but all of it from one side of the fence. I don’t really address myself as a consumer.Continue reading “Vows of a consumer”

The battle of critique

In any job where you make something that will be seen by lots of people, criticism is central. They are high pressure, high review, environments. But that’s what you sign up for right? You want, whatever it is, to be the best it can be before the masses view it, right? Yes, even in advertising.Continue reading “The battle of critique”

Creativity from a quarantine cave

Creativity, at its best, is inspired by the world around us. Whether it’s art, music, photography, or (dare I say it) advertising – it always looks, feels, and performs better when the world around us has been involved. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes, the feelings, and the people. People… not sure aboutContinue reading “Creativity from a quarantine cave”

A crap client’s day

Crap clients – everyone’s favourite character in the strange slap-stick movie ‘Adventures in Advertising & Marketing’. Most of us have had one. If you haven’t been unlucky, god-knows there’s enough memes about them. Ever wonder what they get up to? Me neither. But I thought I’d release this exclusive insight just in case… 06:00 –Continue reading “A crap client’s day”

A brief plea

A lot of the blogs I write cover creative campaigns. But where do they come from? What happens before all those fun ideas whizz around? A brief is what happens. In a traditional set-up, the marketing team will brief their creative agency on a campaign/idea/approach. However, in a more in-house set up (like the oneContinue reading “A brief plea”

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