How to pitch boring

I’ve recently had a revelation. It turns out, everything is a pitch. Everything in the world. I’m aware that makes no sense, so let me start from the beginning. I’ve always been a strong believer in the idea that how a creative idea is packaged is crucial to how appealing it seems to someone. Obviously,Continue reading “How to pitch boring”

Why must we destroy

There’s nothing more obnoxious than beginning a blog with a sentence like the problem with marketing is… Also, although I complain a lot, I’m not really qualified to announce to the world (5 viewers) what ‘the problem with marketing is’ anyway. To be quite honest, I don’t think anyone is qualified to do that. ButContinue reading “Why must we destroy”

What do you do

I spend a lot of my time on websites. What a start to a blog, I hear you say. What a digital ninja this guy is. You’re right everyone does, but opening lines aren’t as easy as they seem. I will stick my neck out though and say that, as a B2B Marketer, I probablyContinue reading “What do you do”

Inspired – May

Another month has flown by… and then 10 days of the month after too… …and Inspired – May is finally here (apologies). Here’s what stood out for me: Guinness – Welcome Back – AMV BBDO Maybe I just really missed the pubs. And Guinness. But for me, this ad is brilliant. Yes some of theContinue reading “Inspired – May”

Inspired – April

Well, the UK began venturing out of the front door a bit more this month – good news for the OOH features in this monthly roundup. Note to self – taking pictures of billboards when I see them would be cool and also helpful. Another strong month, with thanks given to these awesome creatives forContinue reading “Inspired – April”

But are we people?

Tesco released an advert. People disagreed with each other about it. Especially on Twitter. The end. Great, now you’re caught up. If you haven’t seen the ad, it’s a copy-based ad encouraging people to go to their local pubs (who have had a tough year) rather than big chain pubs. Nice, huh? Instantly the advertisingContinue reading “But are we people?”

Inspired – March

This month I had a sudden realisation – what happens if there’s no work that inspires me for a month? A very awkward and short blog post is what happens, I guess. Anyway, that definitely isn’t happening this month so don’t panic. Here’s some work that stood out for me: Fisher-Price – See Toys EverywhereContinue reading “Inspired – March”

Encountering a blockage

Earlier this week I experienced a bout of creative block. More than just struggling to get an idea going – a prolonged protest from whatever part of my brain it is that makes stuff. The huge irony is, the day before I’d posted on LinkedIn about my creative process and ‘knowing what works for me’.Continue reading “Encountering a blockage”

Together and alone

This blog is based on some of the best advice I’ve received in my career so far. Which is… Every single piece of comms involved in a campaign should make sense together as a full group, but also when looked at completely alone. Essentially, the campaign as a whole should be cohesive and a sumContinue reading “Together and alone”

Inspired – February

As 2021 continues to gather pace, we enter March. A month of surreal déjà vu as far as lockdown goes, but peppered with the hope of some excellent needle work. February was a fairly grey and bleak month to look out of the window, but luckily the light from truly inspiring creative work shone brightly.Continue reading “Inspired – February”

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