In and out of touch

This may seem strange because of what I do for a living, but I’m not a huge fan of social media. For me personally, that is. Sure, I’m partial to the odd scroll. I’ll upload an occasional picture, or an evidence-less opinion. It also provides me a way of getting these jumbled pros in frontContinue reading “In and out of touch”

Writing at length

In my previous blog post I mentioned the DDB ads for Chivas Regal. This is one of my favourite campaigns – so stylish, confident, and incredibly written. After writing the post I went back and looked through the ads. For those who want to do the same, there’s a comprehensive collection on Dave Dye’s blogContinue reading “Writing at length”

When is it time?

Have you ever genuinely clicked on an ad based on your search history? In my experience of the interweb, if I’ve already browsed for a product and gone elsewhere I either don’t want it, or I have a reason to delay the purchase. It’s that simple. Showing me a small banner ad, reminding me thatContinue reading “When is it time?”

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