Under the mound (of paper)

I’ve written about my creative process here from time to time. I find the concept of being creative so intriguing, so unusual, that I’m constantly looking at my own creative traits. Trying to analyse them (failing). Poking and prodding them.

Not to change them. Or even attempt to. But just to be aware of them.

Many a great ad person has spoken about the benefits of information to what we do. Although data is still highly debated amongst creative folk, information has ruled for a long time.

Not any particular type of information. Just stuff.

The unpredcitable nature of creativity is such that you never know what is going to create the spark that ignites.

Even after years of observing my own process, I’m as lost as I ever have been when it comes to finding a secret to my creative spark. I simply don’t know, and can’t predict, what’s going to get the cogs turning and the pencil moving.

But here’s where the information – that stuff I mentioned – comes in.

Because when I’m faced with a problem, and need a solution, I want information… by the boat-load.

An absolute shit-tonne.

I absorb it. Read it. Read it again. Look at it. Look at it upside down.

No type of thing specifically, it just has to be relevant.

I’ve met people who find that too much info clouds their mind.

Me? I need it. Each piece of crumpled A4 is a drawer in an endless cabinet – and each one may potentially be housing an idea. Maybe there’s half in one, half in another.

I want to throw hundreds of pieces of rubbish (sorry, research) at the wall, and see what sticks.

Even if the idea isn’t buried in the info, I’ve found it’s still better because of it.

I’m sure I’m not alone. There must be others who have a similar I’ve got it! pose – emerging breathless out of a six foot high mound of paper, that is. Maybe it’s just me.

Anyway, remember to recycle.

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