Can you print it?

In my last post I mentioned piles of paper a lot.

I’m aware that doesn’t make me look particularly eco-friendly. I assure you my team has a strict recycling policy, and at least some of the six feet high paper mound I mentioned was metaphorical.

But the thing is, I actually like paper.

I know that’s bad. It also isn’t one of the world’s most interesting guilty pleasures.

But I like reading or looking at something whilst holding it in front of me. If you’ve ever worked with me you’ll know this – asking someone to print something I need to review has led to raised eyebrows on many occasions…

But innocent until proven guilty, so please allow me the right to an (attempted) explanation – these are the reasons for this unusual paper-obsession:

Mess it up

When something is on physical paper you can get involved with what’s written/designed on it. You can highlight, circle, comment on, and completely become one with the work you’re supposed to be reading, reviewing, or learning.

As you scribble down thoughts and ideas on it, the recipient won’t just get the words themselves, but also the thought process too.

Digital feedback is so cold and un-involved. I not only find this feedback is less helpful, I also find other people’s feedback harder to interpret in that form.

It’s worthy

Maybe I’m superstitious. Or pretentious. Or both. But I swear when I’ve wanted an idea to impress, the physical version stands a much better chance. It always seems to out-perform it’s pixelated cousin.

If you’ve toiled over something for days or weeks, the double click and pop up seems a little empty doesn’t it? Not to mentioned the email from Clive in accounts that masks half of it midway through… and the reminder of lunch… etc… etc…

But a physical portrayal of the work in front of them? That does it justice!

I deliberately led you to believe there were going to be a fair few reasons for this. The truth is, there isn’t – just these two.

Why? Because it’s a strange and stupid habit to have.

I’m aware.

I’m also aware of our poor, coughing and spluttering planet. I can almost feel my desk plant’s mournful gaze as I print another pointless slice of A4 to review 50 words of copy.

Obviously I strike a balance. I don’t print everything. I do recycle everything.

But whatever I do, and whatever I learn, it won’t change my guilty pleasure.

Anyway, please don’t print this.

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